Wholesale - new styles Mens Ties Necktie dress tie Neck TIE Stripe silk factory's tie men's ties #142

Item Code: 15820895 (0 bedømmelser 2 solgte enheder) 0
Pris: US $ 29.50 / piece (Wholesale Price)
Forsendelse Omkostninger: $0 til  US (USA) via China Post SAL
mængde:  (1000 piece tilgængelig)   Stocking Time: 2 dage
Samlet pris:
US $29.5
Delivery Time: 7-15 dage
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    Product Description
Thoustands of patterns and style We offer vareity lady and girl′s,Men′s accessories and clothes.Please feel free to contact us if you need anything else. PLEASE NOTE,due to there are too many styles in our stock,Usually we ask our clients to place the order,then we will send them the best mixed style and color to them. We will always make sure all of our clients happy with the items and service we offered.Thanks

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