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UNO Shield Ethernet Shield W5100 R3 UNO Mega 2560 1280 328 UNR R3 < kun W5100 Development Board for Arduino

UNO Shield Ethernet Shield W5100 R3 UNO Mega 2560 1280 328 UNR R3 < kun W5100 Development Board for Arduino

$ 7.54 ~ 7.54 / piece
Brand Name: W5100 Modelnummer : Ethernet W5100 W5100 : netvæ rk udvidelseskort Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>
UNO R3 MEGA328P ATMEGA16U2 FOR- Arduino + God kvalitet USB-kabel på lager Højde qualiy

UNO R3 MEGA328P ATMEGA16U2 FOR- Arduino + God kvalitet USB-kabel på lager Hø jde qualiy

$ 7.77 ~ 7.77 / Set
Brand Name: udvikling bord Modelnummer : 2012 nyeste UNO R3 UNO R3: mikrocontroller Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>
GY- 521 MPU-6050 MPU6050 Modul 3 Axis analog gyrosensorer + 3 akset accelerometer Module

GY- 521 MPU-6050 MPU6050 Modul 3 Axis analog gyrosensorer + 3 akset accelerometer Module

$ 2.41 ~ 2.41 / piece
Brand Name: Modul 3-akset analoge gyrosensorer + 3 akset accelerometer Modul Modelnummer : MPU- 6050 Modul 3-akset analoge gyrosensorer : 3 akset accelerometer Modul Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Ma... >>
Ultra- lille LM2596 strømforsyningsmodulet DC / DC BUCK 3A justerbar sorteper modul regulator ultra LM2596S 24V switch 12V 5V 3V

Ultra- lille LM2596 strø mforsyningsmodulet DC / DC BUCK 3A justerbar sorteper modul regulator ultra LM2596S 24V switch 12V 5V 3V

$ 1.17 ~ 1.17 / post
$ 11.70 ~ 11.70 / Lot
(10 emner pr parti)

Brand Name: Buck modul + den positioneringshullerne + indikator + minimum Modelnummer : LM2596S Ultra- small : Buck modul + den positioneringshullerne + indikator + minimum Sted Oprindelsesland: Ki... >>
HC -06 Bluetooth seriel gennemslag modul trådløs seriel kommunikation fra maskine Wireless HC06 for Arduino Bluetooth-modul

HC -06 Bluetooth seriel gennemslag modul trå dlø s seriel kommunikation fra maskine Wireless HC06 for Arduino Bluetooth-modul

$ 4.36 ~ 4.36 / piece
Brand Name: serial pass-through modul trå dlø s seriel kommunikation fra maskine Model nummer: Bluetooth seriel pass-through -modul trå dlø s seriel kommunikation Bluetooth seriel gennemslag modul ... >>
GRATIS FRAGT 200pcs/lot 1W 3W 5W High Power LED Heat Sink pladefod Lamp perler radiator

GRATIS FRAGT 200pcs/ lot 1W 3W 5W High Power LED Heat Sink pladefod Lamp perler radiator

$ 0.05 ~ 0.05 / post
$ 10.00 ~ 10.00 / Lot
(200 emner pr parti)

Produkt type: Other 1W 3W 5W High Power LED: pladefod Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>
Specielle kampagner 1lot = MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module 3.3V/5V + 830 Tie Punkt Breadboard Excellent MB -102 kit på lager

Specielle kampagner 1lot = MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module 3. 3V/ 5V + 830 Tie Punkt Breadboard Excellent MB -102 kit på lager

$ 5.07 ~ 5.07 / Set
Brand Name: Zhencheng Modelnummer : Breadboard Jumper wire MB -102 brø d bord : Brø d board dedikeret magt modul Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>
Ultra- lille LM2596 strømforsyningsmodulet DC / DC BUCK 3A justerbar sorteper modul regulator ultra LM2596S 24V switch 12V 5V 3V

Ultra- lille LM2596 strø mforsyningsmodulet DC / DC BUCK 3A justerbar sorteper modul regulator ultra LM2596S 24V switch 12V 5V 3V

$ 1.04 ~ 1.04 / post
$ 2.08 ~ 2.08 / Lot
(2 emner pr parti)

Brand Name: Buck modul + den positioneringshullerne + indikator + minimum Modelnummer : LM2596S Ultra- small : Buck modul + den positioneringshullerne + indikator + minimum Sted Oprindelsesland: Ki... >>
3.3V/5V Breadboard power modul + MB -102 830 point brød bord kit +65 Fleksible jumperledninger 140 pcs jumper wire kasse til Arduino

3. 3V/ 5V Breadboard power modul + MB -102 830 point brø d bord kit + 65 Fleksible jumperledninger 140 pcs jumper wire kasse til Arduino

$ 3.07 ~ 3.07 / post
$ 12.28 ~ 12.28 / Lot
(4 emner pr parti)

Brand Name: Zhencheng Modelnummer : Breadboard kit MB -102 brø d bord : Jumper Cable 140pcs jumper wire box : Kina ( Mainland) >>
RF trådløs modtager modul og transmitter modul board for Arduino super regenerering 315/433MHZ DC5V (ASK / OOK ) 10pair = 20stk

RF trå dlø s modtager modul og transmitter modul board for Arduino super regenerering 315/ 433MHZ DC5V ( ASK / OOK ) 10pair = 20stk

$ 0.42 ~ 0.42 / post
$ 8.40 ~ 8.40 / Lot
(20 emner pr parti)

Brand Name: Zhencheng Modelnummer : trå dlø s modtager modul trå dlø s modtager modul: transmitter modul Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>
MFRC -522 RC522 RFID RF IC-kort sensor modul til at sende S50 Fudan kort, nøglering til Arduino

MFRC -522 RC522 RFID RF IC-kort sensor modul til at sende S50 Fudan kort, nø glering til Arduino

$ 3.77 ~ 3.77 / Set
Brand Name: RFID RF Model nummer: MFRC -522 RC522 IC-kort sensor modul: S50 Fudan kort Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>
Gratis forsendelse 80pcs dupont kabel jumper wire dupont linje mandlige og kvindelige dupont linje 20cm 1P 40P til Arduino

Gratis forsendelse 80pcs dupont kabel jumper wire dupont linje mandlige og kvindelige dupont linje 20cm 1P 40P til Arduino

$ 0.05 ~ 0.05 / post
$ 2.00 ~ 2.00 / Lot
(40 emner pr parti)

Brand Name: ZC Elektronisk Model nummer: DUPONT LINE DUPONT LINE : Dupont kabel Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>
Gratis levering DHT22 digital temperatur og fugtighed sensor Temperatur og fugtighed modul AM2302 erstatte SHT11 SHT15

Gratis levering DHT22 digital temperatur og fugtighed sensor Temperatur og fugtighed modul AM2302 erstatte SHT11 SHT15

$ 6.50 ~ 6.50 / piece
Brand Name: DHT22 digital temperatur og fugtighed sensor Model nummer: DHT22 digital temperatur og fugtighed sensor DHT22 : digital temperatur og fugt sensor Sted Oprindelsesland: Kina ( Mainland) >>

$ 37.11 ~ 37.11 / piece

$ 3.94 ~ 3.94 / piece

$ 4.65 ~ 4.81 / piece

$ 4.75 ~ 4.75 / piece

$ 8.00 ~ 8.00 / piece

$ 3.33 ~ 3.33 / post
$ 33.30 ~ 33.30 / Lot
(10 emner pr parti)


$ 1.97 ~ 1.97 / post
$ 19.70 ~ 19.70 / Lot
(10 emner pr parti)

Records :69   sider: 4   første prev 1 2 3 4 næste sidste

Seller Information

ZC_Electronic_components_store ZC_Electronic_components_store

Member Since: 2014-05-07

99.65% Positive Feedback

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Horrible Exception: org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JDBC Connection for transaction; nested exception is org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection) at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager.doBegin(DataSourceTransactionManager.java:238) at org.springframework.transaction.support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.getTransaction(AbstractPlatformTransactionManager.java:374) at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.createTransactionIfNecessary(TransactionAspectSupport.java:263) at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(TransactionInterceptor.java:101) at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:171) at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204) at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy14.getHotSelledProducts(Unknown Source) at com.mic.escrow.buyer.modules.screens.search.SellerHotSelling.doBuildTemplate(SellerHotSelling.java:52) at org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityScreen.doBuildTemplate(VelocityScreen.java:79) at org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen.doBuild(TemplateScreen.java:100) at org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen.build(Screen.java:57) at org.apache.turbine.modules.ScreenLoader.eval(ScreenLoader.java:107) at org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityOnlyLayout.doBuild(VelocityOnlyLayout.java:93) at org.apache.turbine.modules.Layout.build(Layout.java:53) at org.apache.turbine.modules.LayoutLoader.exec(LayoutLoader.java:101) at org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage.doBuild(DefaultPage.java:146) at org.apache.turbine.modules.Page.build(Page.java:53) at org.apache.turbine.modules.PageLoader.exec(PageLoader.java:101) at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doGet(Turbine.java:799) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:617) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:290) at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:233) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:191) at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:470) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:127) at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:102) at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:109) at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:293) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process(Http11Processor.java:859) at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process(Http11Protocol.java:602) at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint$Worker.run(JIoEndpoint.java:489) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662) Caused by: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:1225) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(BasicDataSource.java:880) at org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager.doBegin(DataSourceTransactionManager.java:200) ... 33 more Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:111) at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:145) at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:254) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(T4CConnection.java:386) at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.(PhysicalConnection.java:413) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.(T4CConnection.java:164) at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(T4CDriverExtension.java:34) at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java:752) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverConnectionFactory.createConnection(DriverConnectionFactory.java:38) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory.makeObject(PoolableConnectionFactory.java:294) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.validateConnectionFactory(BasicDataSource.java:1247) at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(BasicDataSource.java:1221) ... 35 more
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